
While venturing to Santa Cruz on an inspiration trip, I came across Verve Coffee Roasters downtown. Verve is named for the spirit and enthusiasm surrounding the creation of art. Since art typically reflects life, it so cleverly led me to The 1950 blend, “Because that’s it. That’s where we are…

In the blend was a dash of McCarthyism, a dash of pre-1950 Fascism, WWII despotism and a reality wake-up call to the politics of the present. Well, not really, it was a wonderful candied blend with a hint of Earl Grey, but the livening scent of caffeine gave way to awareness, prophetic even, because two days later the events in Charlottesville struck.

When I first wrote this, before my CMS froze and lost my initial draft, it was filled with intense facts regarding the history of violence of the KKK and Neo-Nazis because I felt not enough was being said on the lessons of past history. I had cited the Declaration of Independence then former Presidents George Bush and George W. Bush released a statement:

“America must always reject racial bigotry, anti-Semitism, and hatred in all forms. As we pray for Charlottesville, we are reminded of the fundamental truths recorded by that city’s most prominent citizen in the Declaration of Independence: we are all created equal and endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights. We know these truths to be everlasting because we have seen the decency and greatness of our country.”

That’s leadership.

I heard that another rally by a white supremacist group was scheduled in San Francisco’s Chrissy Field for August 26th via Facebook. I immediately wrote Mayor Ed Lee and I didn’t plead, I demanded action. San Francisco is a city of free speech, not a place of violence against diversity. The next day, San Francisco leaders sounded the alarm and released that it was the National Park Service that issued the permit to an “alt-right” group called Patriot Prayer and pleaded with them to withdraw the permit.

While I’m still not sure how the events of August 26th will be handled, it gave me some comfort that leaders are listening, and even more comfort when Tina Fey resolved that Americans should eat Sheet Cake instead of engaging in a hate screaming match against “alt-right” protesting on SNL’s “Weekend Update”, certainly adding more verve to the conversation.